UserVoice Validation
27 results found
Feature questions Are the feature questions configurable/definable? If Features are tied to existing UV features, can UV vote data show here to indicate how many votes a Feature already received, and inform users of what they already may find important?
3 votes -
booking desks we can book desks better
2 votes -
Edit sample size and timeline How do you edit the sample size and the timeline for the questions?
2 votes -
Need some guidance I really like the simplified concept of Project Bernice, but it's so different from other roadmap tools that it was a bit confusing at first to navigate. Sometime of guided experience as a first time user would be great
2 votes -
0 votes
Nova ideia ideia
0 votes -
Clarify "A short 1-3 line description" I love the helpful prompts to build out feature details. I want to flag that the "short 1-3 line description" prompt differs in the preview and input areas.
preview - "A brief description of what benefit this feature provides to the user (optional)"
input placeholder - "Briefly describe the problem you’re solving"These are similar but different enough. I gravitate toward the benefit this feature provides over describing the problem.
0 votes
- Don't see your idea?