Include VSTS bug numbers in data export
Better 4xx error descriptions in responses for Admin API (v2)
Generate an API Key
Choose what data is included in the exports · Completed
Managing Feedback for Continued User Engagement
Export Reach and Salesforce Opportunity Data as a CSV
Ability to export the "insights" data (ideas that need tidying up, most chatty, trending)
Notification Center
Email a user who gave feedback
Allow the use of other data sources with SF Connector
Be able to create a custom object to associate data to
Using the Support Tools
Collecting Consent from EU Users
Ability to respond to a user's comment publicly and thread the response to the comment being responded to
The data in the admin portal's user sidebar (inspector) doesn't match what the contributor sidebar shows for that user · Deferred
Classic Widget Developer Documentation
Embedded (inline) Widget
Customer Traits Sync Service
Forum Organization
Use a link (custom trigger) to open the UserVoice Widget