Redaction feature when users input PII data
Be able to create a custom object to associate data to
Include 'GeoIP Country' in comment export from Activity Feed
NPS Widget Response Rate
Separate notifications mails for user deletion and exporting data
Expand Reportable Activity Range
Report on response rate for NPS · Deferred
As a user, I want to include the Jira status along with the Jira link URL in my data export file
Optimize Feedback Analysis Report to Load Faster · Completed
Requirement for data to be stored / hosted in the EU · Completed
Email response to reactions on status update
Be able to use Service Hooks with a specific category
HIPAA Compliant
Additional filters for last updated status date · Completed
Snowflake Integration
on demand exports
Display organisation name with user name and user title · Completed
Notification regarding a new comment that's been made on an idea following your public status update
Export Status Reactions
User and/or Account Based Note/Comments on Ideas