I totally agree, post-moderation for comments would really be an essential improvement to the quality of discussions - without as pointedd out disturbing dynamics. This should be on top of the list of improvement for Uservoice!! Every day I see comments that need post-moderation because they are not clearly formulated, people made silly or annoying spelling mistakes (which makes it ****** to read/ understand) etc.. So. it's not because of wanting to change content - that's what Uservoice told me as the reason they are hesiant to implement this feature.
I totally agree, post-moderation for comments would really be an essential improvement to the quality of discussions - without as pointedd out disturbing dynamics. This should be on top of the list of improvement for Uservoice!! Every day I see comments that need post-moderation because they are not clearly formulated, people made silly or annoying spelling mistakes (which makes it ****** to read/ understand) etc.. So. it's not because of wanting to change content - that's what Uservoice told me as the reason they are hesiant to implement this feature.