Custom Fields for end-users
SugarCRM integration
Allow users to add attachments to comments · Completed
Bulk edit idea custom fields from list view · Completed
on demand exports
Create Segment for user or account fields that are blank/empty
Ability to click into charts on Activity report
Allow custom fields to be used as "Amount" field in Feedback and Opportunity integration
Designate GUID a the primary identifier over email address
Display organisation name with user name and user title · Completed
Add Reactions/Comments to "Related Activity & Moderation"
Display 'Last Active Commenter' on Admin Console's Idea screen
Sync Custom fields via the Jira Integration
Set Contributor as "owner" of UV feedback object in SF
Show Feature Custom Fields on Public Roadmap · Deferred
Specify Applicable Forums when Creating Labels
Target Process Integration
Offer European based servers
See a user's NPS history, not just the current NPS score
Import and export columns should match