Specify Applicable Forums when Creating Labels
Add functionality to enable a definition of Labels on a Forum by Forum basis. When creating a new Label you would specify to which Forum or Forums this Label is to be made available to. The new Label would only appear and be available for use within those Forums. There would also be functionality to link existing Labels to Forums (it is noted that some data cleansing may be required to ensure data integrity). There is currently an issue in that Labels are created that are relevant to limited Forums, but they appear Everywhere. This clutters lists and results in a poor Admin user experience as they have to scroll through lots of irrelevant options before getting to valid ones. This change would also improve data quality by ensuring only correct Labels are used on Forums where they are relevant.

stcarson@microsoft.com commented
Currently when you create a Label it is visible across your entire instance of UserVoice, i.e. Labels are visible and can be applied to Ideas within any Forum and Category. Most of the Labels within our instance are only relevant for use against Ideas in either One Forum / Category or a Limited Subset of Forums / Categories. Our Admins complain that they constantly see and have to scroll through a long list of Labels to get to the few limited Labels that are relevant when managing Ideas within their assigned Forum(s) & Category(ies). They want to only see the Labels that are relevant to them - in the context of the Forums / categories they are managing.
What I am proposing is that when Labels are created they are linked to relevant Forums and Categories where they apply. When clicking on the Label icon for an Idea - the Dialog box will only show / filter on Labels that are linked to the current Forum / Category within which the Idea is located. This will remove the clutter of irrelevant Labels and improve the Admin user experience while ensuring better data quality (linking of relevant Labels only).