Integrate with GitHub's issue tracking

Graham Melcher commented
Would need to know that an issue in github links to a uservoice ticket. Great to just have a link in the github ticket back to the uservoice issue in case additional context is required. Also to have a link from the uservoice ticket to the github issue it creates.
When the ticket is closed in github, would be nice to have the status reflected in uservoice so our customer support team can notify the customer, probably after checking the github issue for the resolution.
Graham Melcher commented
Our ideal workflow isn't really supported today in Uservoice, but we'd like some way to:
Button to trigger an issue to be created in github. Not all our Uservoice tickets need to be come github issues. Customer success team needs a way to know/filter on which user voice tickets that have an open github issue so that they know which tickets are waiting on engineering and which are waiting for us to respond to the customer. Ideally they would stay assigned to the customer support rep.
We deal with regulatory compliance and cannot have all information provider by the customer transferred to a ticket, so would need a way to control which information was created into the ticket would be essential.
Anonymous commented
Sean Langford commented
+1 - we also want this
Eddie Freeman commented
+1 to Pedram's suggestion
[Deleted User] commented
Here's a neat solution - using Zapier, which is free for light use: -
[Deleted User] commented
Pedram Amini commented
I'd like to see the ability to create a new Github issue from a UserVoice ticket. One step even better, would be to automatically update the UserVoice ticket when the Github issue is closed.