Allow multiple categories per idea
sometimes user ideas overlap with different categories.
[Deleted User] commented
We would also love this. The way our service works generates many overlaps between categories. When customers browse ideas by category, they may easily miss something, because it was filed under another category.
I know you can find these with a search, but many users are "clickers" rather than "typers".
mary.gribbons commented
This would be very beneficial. At my company, different product managers are looking for ideas related to their projects. If customers are not permitted to assign their ideas to more than one relevant categories, ideas may be missed.
Watchman commented
Me too!
Nicola commented
i really like the idea of either tags or multiple categories so that I can group "released" items but they still have the link to their product area
David Fletcher commented
This is the same idea as creating tags. for examples of sites that are using tags, see or