Sync ideas back to Salesforce
We would like to sync back ideas to Salesforce as cases / feature requests along with supporter data.
This is so that other applications are able to pull the data from supported integrations with Salesforce and for organization priority to keep Salesforce to be the single source of truth

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Rajaram goal is aligned with our goal to have salesforce as the single source of truth for the Sales and Customer Success Managers (CSM).
Currently if you are a seller or a CSM and want to get a status on all the ideas submitted by your customer you need to leave sales force and search for the account in UV. That requires both training and access to admin hub. Currently Sellers and CSM can see in salesforce, NPS surveys, oppourtunties, contacts, risks... everthing about the account except Ideas.
I would like the CSM to be able see a Saleforce object with all the UV ideas and the current "internal" status.