Two-Way Slack Communication
We would like two-way Slack communication. Right now it's pretty much one-way communication from UserVoice to Slack. You can't respond directly to users or comment from Slack to UserVoice. You can capture feedback from Slack to UserVoice but that's it.
- commented
The current slack integration is one way but it only sends to a Slack channel.
I would like to be able to send a UV update to a person in slack. This is where our company communicates. They use UV maybe once or twice a week. So for them to read and email or go into UV to look for idea updates is too much effort.
Ideally, when I create an IDea internal comment, I would like to be able to pick from a list of internarl voters, and add additional user to be slacked directly. The slack user could respond in slack and have a conversation with the person who posted the internal comment.
Primary scenerio.
1) Joe Admin reviews a new idea in UV admin console.
2) decides to assign it to a product manager for review
3) Writes an internal comment "Please triage" need to get this customer an answer ASAP. Joe Admin select slack Product manager.
4) Product manager gets a DM from UV - Joe Admin posted comment "please triage...."
5) PRoduct manager response to slack
6) UV post a new internal comment from product manager and slacks the orginal commenter Joe admin.
7) Joe admin gets a slack from UV- Product manager changed status to new idea. commented " i need a week to get back to you"