Add reach as a filter condition
Using the advanced filter it is possible to create an ideas grid view filtered on aspects such as number of votes or number of accounts, e.g. show me all ideas which have more than 10 accounts associated with it. However there is no option to filter by Reach and so you cannot build a view that says show me all ideas where the reach is > $1m. An idea may have lots of votes and/or lots of accounts who need it, but we often want to look at addressing ideas that have the largest reach but are unable to do so.
Chris Tomkins commented
Using the advanced filter it is possible to create an ideas grid view filtered on aspects such as number of votes or number of accounts, e.g. show me all ideas which have more than 10 accounts associated with it. However there is no option to filter by Reach and so you cannot build a view that says show me all ideas where the reach is > $1m. An idea may have lots of votes and/or lots of accounts who need it, but we often want to look at addressing ideas that have the largest reach but are unable to do so.