Create UserVoice ideas from VSO work items
Right now, you can push an item in UV to VSO as a work item, and then there is a two way sync between them.
However, sometimes an item starts out in VSO, and you want to then push it to UV so users can vote and comment on it. But here's no way to do that currently.

Lindsay Brenner commented
This is a key part of what I wanted to use this tool for - to give visibility into what our project team "thinks" we should do and make sure people actually want it. The items are already features in my backlog but I'd love to see how many votes they get.
Nik L. commented
And back: If UserVoice feed is part of what ends up in Visual Studio Online (VSO), then all info from the linked UserVoice ideas need to end up in VSO work item - comments, votes, etc.
Two options are suggested:
- Have all ideas trigger work item creation in VSO and then sync all updates in UV topics to VSO WIs <= suitable for smaller forums with moderate to little number of ideas/day
- Have only ideas that were linked with VSO work items flowing UV information to VSO WIs