Custom data on idea votes and comments
When a user supports, comments on and creates an idea, Product Managers need the full context on the feedback at that point in time. This can include the device and OS at the time of submission, their product version, the page they were on, screen size or other internal data points, etc.
This data should be captured and saved against the idea so admins can see, not just who submitted/supported/commented on an idea and their traits (if they're being collected), but also important details surrounding the context of the idea.

- commented
When someone adds a vote, they can optionally add the source of the vote. We use this to link an Idea back to a saleforce object that has the details of the source. It would be nice to be able to capture and report on the source data. I.e Source is a Sales force Account risk. OR source is an oppourtunity risk. Or the source is from a Qualtrics survey and is a NPS promoter, Detactor or Neutral.
jeff.holek commented
Given the volume of interest, and extended timeline before a decision (7 years), which was more of a delay than a resolution, could we please get some feedback regarding expectations for these three features?
Are we starting from scratch?
What still remains before your team reviews this for development feasibility?
There were 300+ users supporting this, and now across all 3 we have about 20 each. These 3 topics have lost their momentum due to this split.
AdminClaire Talbott (Admin, UserVoice) commented
When viewing an idea you would be able to see say 15 Mac users, 10 Windows users, 5 Android users and 8 iOS users requested this idea. This would give you more information on seeing what types of users want a particular idea.