Export a list of users and their ideas/votes/comments
You can export a list of users. You can export a list of ideas. But you can't export a list of users with their ideas/comments and votes. It would be super helpful if we could see a list of users, and the ideas each user supports.

Hi everyone! First, I want to apologize for the delay in an update here. Leaving an idea in “started” for two years is not clear or transparent communication with you, our customers! We are not currently working on a feature that allows you to export users with their ideas, votes, comments and requests. So we are going to move this idea back to “no status” for now. Please, continue to share your thoughts around this idea. This isn’t a “no.” But we do want to be upfront, though, that this is not currently on our Roadmap. Since this idea was created, we’ve released two features that could help with some of the paint points shared around this idea, and we want to share those.
The Analysis Export lets you export a list of ideas and their supporters: Measure the Impact of Ideas with the Analysis Export.
The Users export includes users, and the total number of suggestions and requests from each user: Export Users
Please, continue to share your feedback around this idea, and other features you would like to see!
Jenn Howard commented
We need something to give clients (or they can view themselves) that displays all the ideas they have created and voted on individually and as a company. This helps reduce the burden of manually managed GAP lists.
Kirstyn Hevey commented
Would like to export a list of all ideas tied to 1 particular user or account. Ideally it's an export button from the contributor console.
JohnThompson commented
I'd really like a the ability to group all Ideas, Votes, and Comments originating from a particular organization. It helps me build a story internally for particular organizations. For how we work, it would be a far more logical and efficient method of working with and progressing Ideas, that only looking at Ideas individually.
EMIT commented
I like it. A similar idea would be to put together a report with a list of ideas and all the users who voted on the idea (and how many votes).
EMIT commented
Totally agree, I've got some use cases for this. If anything, exposing the data as columns in the user view for the forum.