Display organisation name with user name and user title
When I post a comment in response to a suggestion, there is no way for the person who posted the suggestion to see on the page that I am with the Uservoice organisation who owns the forum. Displaying a 'Title' seems to be the best workaround for this now (e.g. "My Title at Organisation"). However, the ability to edit the 'Title' only exists for administrator type roles. Please allow editing of titles for all roles. Or, consider going further and developing a new feature to display an 'Organisation' name on the comment. Because users needs to be accepted into the organisation, this label could reinforce a “verified” status and create more confidence in the response given. Thank you
UserVoice admin profiles can be updated to include job titles. Those titles are then displayed on all public facing communications (comments and status updates for example) sent from UserVoice.
A bit more on that here.
Thanks for this feedback.