Allow administrators to review and restore users which get automatically banned and purged
For some unknown reason a valuable member of the UV community got banned and purged from the system, all his comments got depersonalized, his email removed from the user list — without a trace, without a warning, without a notofication.
If I was not told by the user directly about it — and almost being a witness to it, because it was I who asked him to leave the comment with two harmless links (which I dare not to post here, because your robots are nuts, and I had the same problem before becoming an administrator!) — I’d know nothing about it.
And now he can’t be restored, and UV support is just ghosting me. Contact > Customer Support leads to 'void', the link I used before to succefully contact and restore my own account is dead, the person does not respond to a direct email.
How can we hear a voice from users, if it gets banned and ignored?!