Show which private forums the user has access to
There's no easy way to see which private forums a user has access to. Right now, the admin has to go to each forum and see if the user has access to it, and update/revoke a user's permission to the forum.

Adminsusan.parrish (Admin, UserVoice) commented
Would like to be able to do a bulk invitation and schedule it for a certain time to coordinate with a launch.
Adminsusan.parrish (Admin, UserVoice) commented
Currently the only option is to move all the ideas to a new private forum (that no one would be invited to) and then delete the existing forums.
Would like to revoke access in bulk to all users that were invited to save the step of having to create new forum, move and then delete.
Mike Bennett commented
Method also needed to add or remove existing users to a private forum.