allow admins to unmerge ideas
I merged two ideas by mistake, and there's now no way to unmerge them. An "unmerge" button next to merged ideas would be very helpful.
Solon Kuhlman commented
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pulsi recurrant? At, si voluptas esset bonum, desideraret. Sedulo, inquam, faciam. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Gloriosa ostentatio in constituendo summo bono. Bonum patria: miserum exilium. Praeclare hoc quidem.
Jaunita Sporer commented
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Avaritiamne minuis? Torquatus, is qui consul cum Cn. Age sane, inquam. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quantum Aristoxeni ingenium consumptum videmus in musicis? Maximus dolor, inquit, brevis est.
Kiarra Koepp commented
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Eaedem res maneant alio modo. Illi enim inter se dissentiunt. Quae contraria sunt his, malane? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Sed ad illum redeo. Hunc vos beatum;
Shyanne Klocko commented
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis istud possit, inquit, negare? Sint ista Graecorum; Erat enim res aperta. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Memini vero, inquam; Ita nemo beato beatior. Quid ad utilitatem tantae pecuniae?
Bernadette Beahan commented
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Eam stabilem appellas. Primum Theophrasti, Strato, physicum se voluit; Duo Reges: constructio interrete. An eiusdem modi?
Tyrese Denesik commented
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non potes, nisi retexueris illa. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Et quidem, inquit, vehementer errat; Ita nemo beato beatior.
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature. All new users to the site learn the hard way at least once. It's really not a "merge", it's "obliterate". If you merge in the wrong direction, all the votes get lost. Seems at a minimum the upvotes should get summed, not overwritten.
Lonzo Schinner commented
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maximus dolor, inquit, brevis est. Laboro autem non sine causa; Quae cum dixisset paulumque institisset, Quid est? Si quae forte-possumus. Quid adiuvas? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Sed residamus, inquit, si placet. Equidem, sed audistine modo de Carneade?
Corey Sanders commented
Completely. This caught me off guard.
Nick commented
I just did the same thing. It would be great to be able to unmerge.
Brian Craft commented
Ditto on the "I just merged two ideas that really shouldn't have been merged and need be broken apart...".
[Deleted User] commented
That would be great. I've just now merged an idea which sounded similar but irritated the user who turned out just wan't being very descriptive.
If we could un-merge ideas and assign comments from that merged idea back to the original that would be really helpful and avoid this kind of embarrassment… Oops.
Martin B commented
When accidentally merging two important ideas, there is currently no way to undo that a little later.
[Deleted User] commented
Even if it wasnt an un-merge and perhaps a way to merge with a different idea that would be great.