Integration with Visual Studio Online (TFS On-Demand)
Team Foundation Server (TFS) integration would be great (as underlying ticket system similar to JIRA integration)!

Greetings from the UserVoice Team,
A little over a week ago we announce that the availability of the UserVoice for Visual Studio Team Services integration. We’re very excited about this feature and hope you’ve had a chance to check it out.
If not, in your UserVoice admin console, go to the Integrations page in Settings to get started today.
We’d love to get your initial reaction as to how we did with this integration. Please take a minute to fill out this quick survey.
Any additional feedback you have on this integration, feel free to respond directly to this email.
john.reeves commented
Integrate to VSTS, allow conversion of an idea to a PBI or Bug, Update voters with status changes coming out of VSTS.
Ryan Miller commented
Probably time to update this title to "Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)"... and, well, get it working. I've been waiting for a year already.
Denis Heliot commented
it would be cool to have a wizard (or an API to create a Wizard) to "push" a suggestion to TFS (or VSTS) as a requirement/user story with minimum manual steps.
Andrew Swindells commented
Also the ability to choose which project you want to feed into
Andrew Swindells commented
Ability in v3 of the console and to create a feature rather than PBI or Bug
saquah commented
VSO integration to add all feature requests as FEATURES in VSO rather than bugs.
Michael Jerla commented
We shouldnt be forced to use the legacy console just to send feedback items to Visual Studio Online.
Logan Hutchinson commented
As a product manager, I work enhancements as well as bugs. Bugs come in in the form of support tickets via User Voice Help Desk. It's evaluated and if determined as a bug, it needs to go into the backlog. Difficult with current integration to only be able to send ideas.
In reality, a PM deals with much more than ideas when planning a sprint.
Adrienne commented
It would e very good if the admins for our User Voice had this permission, would make life easier. Barring this How can I link a TFS Online Feature to a User Voice idea?
Michael Hilker commented
Yes. What our customers are generally asking for is a feature, we would then associate User Stories and Tasks with the feature.
saquah commented
Why is linking an item to VSO limited only to feedback?
Steve commented
I agree. Invariably what the user asks for is a Feature, which I can then break down into the areas of development in the product backlog and specify the work types.
By letting me set th e suggestion as a feature it would be a big help
derek G commented
Can we have TFS Work item Marked as done close out the Idea?
derek G commented
Can we PLEASE create TFS items out of tickets? Having to create ideas to create work items is just too much work.
Max commented
At the moment I can only create backlog items and bugs. It would be very usefull, if you could also create a TFS feature item.
[Deleted User] commented
It would be great to create VSO Items directly from the ticket system inbox
Olivier Albertini commented
Hi, I'm interested in this beta as well.
Anonymous commented
count us in for an on premise request.
[Deleted User] commented
Hi, I'm interested in this beta as well.
Julien Brassard commented
I would also be interested!