Follow updates for everything an account supports
It would be great to follow accounts, so that when an update occurs for anything a user on an account is associated with, I can be aware as well.

Chris Tomkins commented
There are numerous roles in a business who are associated with a specific set of accounts, e.g. customer success, sales, technical account managers etc and so being able to go to a single place to see activity/ideas/etc for a specific set of accounts is essential.
- (Admin, UserVoice) commented
CSM's are mostly concerned with their accounts. It would be nice to have a report/email generated with Ideas specifically submitted by accounts they manage.
AdminCamila (Admin, UserVoice) commented
Contributors want to be able to subscribe to status updates for a specific customer account. This way they can contributor notifications not just on ideas they've captured feedback on, but any ideas that account has supporters on. This can be especially helpful for CSM and AM's who manage specific accounts.