Allow users to upload their own profile pic
Be given the option to upload a photo rather than having to use the gravatar service.

Fairglu commented
At a minimum, have a way to turn off the avatar completely.
Alina Vandenberghe commented
No one uses Gravatar from our user base. Everyone logs in with their email and as a result no one has avatars just like your own platform doesn't. Frankly I wish I'd new of this limitation before we went in contract with uservoice - I wouldn't have signed without this feature - the platform looks less engaging and fun. At renewal time i will not continue with uservoice if this feature is not fixed to pull avatars from user email profile
Maureen commented
Nobody at my organization uses Gravatar, so not a single user has photo attached to their user profile in UserVoice. This honestly feels so impersonal and I wonder if it makes driving user adoption of the tool even harder? This seems like such a small thing that could really go a long way. I also find it slightly disheartening that this feedback has already been submitted and has been in limbo for over 2 years.
Kevin Praeger commented
I actually don't mind the idea of using gravatar. Possibly having an easier way to update image without leaving the UserVoice portal might be nice, but having gravatar be the source of the image is a neat concept. I would like to see many other UserVoice features before this one.
Adam Brener commented
I haven't seen the gravatar service in use for a very long time. I recommend pulling from their google if a user signs up through google with there to still be an option to change the photo.
Angela commented
Our organization blocks Gravatar so users get a security violations anytime they click on it.
It is unfortunate because users area going to click on links that they see out of curiosity if nothing else.
Frank Goertzen commented
Not having this sucks. As Sid and others mentioned, relying so many third parties just to get a profile picture is ridiculous. And if you're going to rely on a third party why pick Gravatar/Wordpress? Surely Facebook would be a much better choice.
Anonymous commented
Please reconsider this feature. It seems really important for people to be able to upload their pictures and if I'd never heard of Gravatar I probably wouldn't want to use it.
Sid commented
So when using our system, we've decided to use a 3rd party system, namely, UserVoice. UserVoice wants to to Gravatar. And Gravator wants us to signup for Wordpress. What craziness is this? I'd simply like all our employees to just upload an image and that's it.
[Deleted User] commented
There are a couple of other topics on this too, which are closer to what I'd like, but this has more votes!
allow me to turn Avatars off (gr)avatar!
Nate M commented
Amending my previous comment - we went ahead and just used the gravatar system to get our employee images in. It works ok enough. Since our employees have unique email accounts for their work they were able to do professional images there.
Nate M commented
I don't use gravatar already, and I don't want to have every one of our employees signup for a 3rd party service ( in their case) just to have their images show up in comments on the uservoice system.
I think for people who already use gravatar, that's a decent idea, but we should be able to upload a different image which overrides gravatar to uservoice if we wish. I know a lot of people use something silly on gravatar for anonymous forums they participate in; however, for our employees interacting with customers we want a professional image of them.
Adrian Robert commented
I would rather just upload an image myself than use Gravatar. The image I want to use for a professional use like this might not be the same as the one I would want to use in random site X on the internet (assuming I even *wanted* to use an image AT ALL on random site X on the internet, which I don't).
Dutch commented
I went to Gravatar and set-up my account after creating a UserVoice account and my Avatar for my UserVoice profile is not updated. What did I miss?
Doug Hudiburg commented
Yes. Please. Allow me more control over my avatar. It's showing a goofy Facebook avatar right now.
m schwendener commented
m schwendener commented
I completey agree.
[Deleted User] commented
I've already added this as a separate suggestion, but it fits here: please allow me to disable avatars entirely. We use Helpdesk only, none of our users use gravatar, almost none use facebook/twitter, but even if they were used, they'd be only displayed in the ticket admin system.
AdminJoshua Rudd (Admin, UserVoice) commented
Hi Jim, not sure I understand what you mean when you say, “If someone has already nabbed a specific username (in my case jimbattenberg - which is also my twitter handle), you are forced to create some user name other than usual.”
We don't have usernames on UserVoice - just your email address. As such, someone else couldn't already have your preferred username. Avatars (or Gravatars - are associated with your email address, so you can change the avatar associated with your email address any time you like.
I agree that it would be nice to be able to upload your own avatar in our system instead of using Gravatar, but there really shouldn't be any reason that someone else has nabbed your username.
Jim Battenberg commented
Please find another capability for creating, appending, uploading an image for an Avatar. If someone has already nabbed a specific username (in my case jimbattenberg - which is also my twitter handle), you are forced to create some user name other than usual. This is both inconvenient and difficult to remember.
Why can't we simply upload an image like Salesforce.Com, Twitter, LinkedIn and just about every other social site out there?