Rich-text formatting for idea descriptions
Currently there's no way to even mark a word as bold or italic. Well, I guess you could make it ALL-CAPS (lame) or put something around it, but somehow both of those just seem somehow kludgey... I hate gratuitous colors and font-size changes as much as the next guy, but SOME formatting actually helps communicate better. How about adding support for at least some very simple markup like Markdown or Textile...?

Hey All,
You can now use markdown when writing Idea descriptions.
For example, bold, italics, or – for unordered lists.
Give it a try. Let us know what you think.
Elizabeth Pfahler commented
I love ability to use markdown in ideas, However, can we please expand it to **comments** and **status updates**?
We've added a new idea here if it helps - [Idea] (
Elizabeth Pfahler commented
I love ability to use markdown in ideas, However, can we please expand it to **comments** and **status updates**?
We've added a new idea here if it helps - [Idea](
Ben Sacheri commented
**Great** to see this is finally implemented. *Thanks!*
Ivan Staskoff commented
Adding formatting of the text and inline images are vital. Please add it like it's done in and
They just provide formatting, so you should add the same to get better customer experience and support. -
chiappa commented
I would also like to attach images directly into the comments; which can often help to explain things much better!
Luca Candela commented
Why is this still not possible?
Brandon Kelly commented
Very disappointed that this isn't possible. I would throw hyperlinks (with custom text) in as another must-have. Both Markdown and Textile have ways to do that: [example]( (Markdown); "example": (Textile).
AdminJoshua Rudd (Admin, UserVoice) commented
@Edward it’s slightly different. This idea is about allowing comments to be formatted, while the other one is allowing admins to use Markdown for formatting content (articles, etc.) instead of our existing WYSIWYG editor.
Edward Brey commented
This suggestion is a duplicate of
[Deleted User] commented
please give us markdown! please!
Daniel commented
Please, pretty please add this!!! Our users would love to be able to format text (bold, italic, underline (no fontsize change though). Also, registered users should be able to link to an image from one of the providers just like we can do in KB articles.
Anonymous commented
> Please allow the <pre> tag, as CraigsList does,
> so my indented, plain⋅text code/tables don't get munged.For example, the following table:
32 ₓ20 64 ₓ40 @ 96 ₓ60 ` 128 ₓ80 € 160 ₓA0 nbSp 192 ₓC0 À 224 ₓE0 à
33 ₓ21 ! 65 ₓ41 A 97 ₓ61 a 129 ₓ81 161 ₓA1 ¡ 193 ₓC1 Á 225 ₓE1 á
34 ₓ22 " 66 ₓ42 B 98 ₓ62 b 130 ₓ82 ‚ 162 ₓA2 ¢ 194 ₓC2 Â 226 ₓE2 â
35 ₓ23 # 67 ₓ43 C 99 ₓ63 c 131 ₓ83 ƒ 163 ₓA3 £ 195 ₓC3 Ã 227 ₓE3 ã
36 ₓ24 $ 68 ₓ44 D 100 ₓ64 d 132 ₓ84 „ 164 ₓA4 ¤ 196 ₓC4 Ä 228 ₓE4 ä{ Loop( MaxTaxH - 1 ) {
Yr = SimYear - LLL + J, hYr = Yr % MaxTaxH ;
float &prevTaxable = h[ hYr ].Taxable ;
if ( !TaxableYTD ) break ;
if ( TaxableYTD > 0 && prevTaxable < 0 ) {
if ( T = er( TaxableYTD, -prevTaxable ), TaxableYTD -= T, Precise )
prevTaxable += T ; continue ; }
if ( J && TaxableYTD < 0 && prevTaxable > 0 ) {
T = er( -TaxableYTD, prevTaxable );
TaxableYTD += T, Cred += T * h[hYr].Rate * .01 ;
if ( Precise ) prevTaxable -= T ; } } }Should look like this: http://Jeff-Relf.Me/Code-Table-.PNG
■ -
Anonymous commented
Please allow the <pre> tag, as CraigsList does,
so my indented, plain⋅text code/tables don't get munged. -
eric.bloch commented
+1 for markdown
Josh Nelson commented
This would be fantastic for suggestion ideas! As everyone knows, seeing it is always easier to communicate than taking a paragraph to describe it. For example, an idea could be:
Title - Different Color Displays of a Field when certain criteria is met
- Display field in RED when X
- Display field in ORANGE when YIt would be much easier to give examples of the display value to catch the user's eye if you could actually display the color within the idea itself.
[Deleted User] commented
Use Markdown to style the comments
Sergey E. commented
here is my vote for Markdown or Textile in idea description
Gabor Kertai commented
Markdown or Textile in replies to tickets and ideas would make a lot of sense.
m schwendener commented
> Aug 29, 2012 ... We’ve recently begun focusing on going through our feedback forum.
From a company selling feedback software I would expect tending to their own feedback forum to be a priority.
jmlnarik commented
This would be a HUGE improvement!! Using formatting, such as bold and italic, would be great, but an even better improvement would be the use of full HTML functionality within comment strings. This would enable much easier user navigation and, most importantly, better SEO! Using anchor text to hyperlink certain words is a great SEO move that would improve search results for client sites as well as UserVoice. If we could only enable this for admin users, that would be an excellent start! I gave this the maximum of 3 votes, but I would give it more if possible.