Allow users to edit their own ideas and comments
As long as no one has voted/commented on my newly-created suggestion yet, I should be able to...
(1) change the title/description without restriction... if, say, 5 minutes later I think of a better one or spot a typo in it or whatever...
(2) completely delete it, no questions asked, if, say, I realize right after posting it that it was lame, or I find out it's a duplicate or whatever...
Greetings from UserVoice,
A couple weeks ago we released a feature that allowed end users to edit their own comments.
Now, they can also edit suggestions they create on the web portal.
Thank you all for the feedback.
deanveggy commented
lost in space i believe ;-)
[Deleted User] commented
What is the status of this request?
Josh Nelson commented
This is a great idea. I've submitted ideas through this UV forum that I wanted to edit for clarity and couldn't. Many of our clients do the same thing and must followup w/ a comment and have the admin clean it up for them.
Adamcogan commented
I think you should be able to improve your own post (with no time limit).
This includes editing the text and adding attachments.Adam -
Anonymous commented
Allow users to edit their idea submissions. Last time I checked, end users (customers) could not edit their own ideas once they submitted them. We get a lot of ideas that are hard to make sense of with poor grammar and spelling and unclear thinking. An option for users to edit their ideas may be a big help.
Watchman commented
What's the status of this request?
[Deleted User] commented
Really? I mean, really?
m schwendener commented
> Users should be able to delete an idea they create before it gets any activity. We’re also
> considering allowing users to edit their own content within 15 minutes.Considering since Mar 6, 2012?!?
[Deleted User] commented
I have deleted many comments just to change a small thing.
Azat Sattarov commented
@Joshua Unfortunately I can't find any way to delete my idea which had no activity yet...
jottos commented
Here's what I think are the basic use cases
1. user forgets to or uses wrong category. I'm the user, I should be able to fix or change my mind on this
2. user see's some typo or grammar that they would like to change or sees a piece of the use case left out, comments don't help here because most folks will look at the idea as being in the initial post. if that post really isn't as good as it could be, other readers might pass it byI think it would be fine to have an indicator that says the post was edited, the "5 minute" rule I think applies for a release into the wild, where the user might change several things in a row, but I don't think that a limit should be put on when the change has to be made by
3. I think it's perfectly OK for the Admin to decide to lock the post so that no value is lost. -
digitaltrix commented
Hello, this is quite ridiculous I must say. Every submission should be allowed editing with perhaps reference to the original article if is so inclined in saving the posterity of the suggestion.
I have recently given a submission for a company and it ocurred to me that I could edit it to be more precise and structured and here I am having to write in a suggestion to allow this.
Please implement changes that have been requested more than 2 years ago! -
Rodney commented
When a user post a feedback/suggestion they cannot edit it if there are typos or errors in it. If edited it should notify all those who have voted and commented on it in case the changes impact their stance.
Should also be able to delete a feedback request as long as no other user has voted for it at the least.
I've been usability testing our UserVoice pages before they go live. Something that has come up surprisingly often in a small sample size is that users want to be able to fix typos that they only notice once they've posted an idea.
Obviously, you don't want to allow people to change their ideas once other people have voted for them, but could you allow them to fix typos for 15-20 seconds after they post?
This issue actually merits being added to our FAQ for the UserVoice forums because... well, it is a FAQ. :)
Anthony DeRosa commented
Would an option to add a "Submit a Correction" button/link work instead of implementing this? Seeing as it's not really getting any attention, perhaps it would be possible to provide front end users with a link to shoot an Admin an email with a correction to an idea. This would be available as an option only on ideas they've put into the system. Like the "flag idea as inappropriate" link, but specific to corrections. Admins can review the change and apply it if appropriate.
It would formalize the casual process that my users use now - as Admin, I would get an email notification that clearly explained the proposed changes, with links that lead directly to the edit screen in the Admin panel, so I could quickly apply the changes.
I know it's not exactly what folks are looking for, but could assist in meeting the business need without disrupting the works. Part of the issue I've seen is that front end users are simply confused by their inability to edit submissions, so I get tech support emails that generate a bit of back-and-forth that could be avoided if there was something...anything.
m schwendener commented
[Deleted User] commented
Being able to delete accidentally created ideas would be a massive boon, with or without the ability to edit before any activity.
m schwendener commented
Under review since March 2010 :-(
m schwendener commented
m schwendener commented
It's no use to us if it is only for private forums.