Allow users to edit their own ideas and comments
As long as no one has voted/commented on my newly-created suggestion yet, I should be able to...
(1) change the title/description without restriction... if, say, 5 minutes later I think of a better one or spot a typo in it or whatever...
(2) completely delete it, no questions asked, if, say, I realize right after posting it that it was lame, or I find out it's a duplicate or whatever...
Greetings from UserVoice,
A couple weeks ago we released a feature that allowed end users to edit their own comments.
Now, they can also edit suggestions they create on the web portal.
Thank you all for the feedback.
mahdi commented
Hello .I read your articles and I found it very interesting. <a href="" >قیمت سمعک</a>
Thank you for visiting my site and commenting. -
Zak Hynd commented
For our contributors, it's not always apparent which parts of the sidebar are public and which are public. It has resulted in many inappropriate public-facing suggestions which require an admin (full access licence) to edit.
Also, as an end user on the web forum, if I am searching for existing suggestions I will probably use simple key words. If I can't find that suggestion then I'll start filling out the description, then submit it without having thought about an appropriate title! Now my suggestion title makes almost no sense to anyone, so it's unlikely to get voted on and gain the attention of the product team.
Also, bad grammar is embarrassing, I hate when I make a silly mistake, or I forget to mention an important piece of information. I'd really like to be able to edit my posts, even if I only had a short window of half an hour (for example) to do so.
Jeffrey Jensen commented
Why can't admins edit the content of requests? I want to encourage other users to vote on features. It's a bad experience for them to have to wade through misspelled, or incoherent features requested by other users.
I want to be able to edit a user's request and then immediately send the requester an email explaining why we edited it for clarity.
Phillip M. commented
I was providing feedback to one of your clients, (they use UV for their feedback site at, and was disappointed there wasn't a way to edit my feedback after initial submission. I provided this meta-feedback in the form of the suggestion available here (, but they said it was out of their hands and that I should make the suggestion to you instead. So... here I am.
(Hopefully I don't need to edit the suggestion, because it appears this site is missing the same feature that the suggestion is, well, suggesting)
- commented
I'd be concerned about users fully editing an idea to something that supports/voters would be surprised by any changes. However, being to add addendums to their ideas would be phenomenal!
Marko commented
It needs to be possible for the commentator to edit her feedback after it has been published. Mistakes need to be corrected. The commentator needs to be able to come back and add new thoughts. This will increase the value of feedback as comments are made better.
Marco Marsala commented
Any news?
Andy Bradley commented
Need to be able to edit comments
[Deleted User] commented
Be able to edit comments on feature requests before approving them. Some users will start off their comment with anger or say something about a competitor that we don't want t publish but the rest of their comment is valuable to that request.
We want to be able to edit the comment to remove the bad content, and then post.
You can edit an original idea, why can't you edit comments? -
Peter Flynn commented
As an admin, I can edit status updates but I cannot edit regular comments. Editing comments is just as useful.
Ideally, regular users should be able to edit their own comments as well (at least for a set amount of time after they were posted).
rachid tessoudali commented
[Deleted User] commented
More relevant that ever as a lot of other services have a "cool-down" time window to allow users to edit recent posts and messages.
AdminJoshua Rudd (Admin, UserVoice) commented
Allow admins to edit their own comments
Steven Broshar commented
Another way to significantly improve the user experience is to provide a preview before submitting. Currently,the box for typing the description is so itty bitty that I cannot review the content before making the commitment. And the preview would be a great place to put the warning saying that "you won't be able to modify this after clicking submit ... so return to the editor if you need to"
Simen Mangseth commented
Come on. I've just started using UserVoice - I'm surprised you can't do this, it's the only thing that I really miss and the first thing I'd implement if I were you. Shouldn't be that hard to implement, should it?
m schwendener commented
But it should be. The wish is from 2008 and on place 8 by count of votes.
AdminJoshua Rudd (Admin, UserVoice) commented
@ms we hear you. It’s just not at the very top of our priority list, yet.
m schwendener commented
> Joshua Rudd (Product Designer, UserVoice) responded · March 06, 2012
Two years later, no improvement.
[Deleted User] commented
Any updates on this one?
Just read some feedback on this one from one of the best members in our GTD community:
Not being able to edit your comments/ideas is a problem for most people. I hope you can roll this out soon. Thanks!
AdminJoshua Rudd (Admin, UserVoice) commented
We still hear you guys loud and clear, but don’t have plans to add this before the end of the year.