Respect Search Operators (And, Or, Quotes, + and -)
It's very frustrating to put in two search words and have ideas come up with only one of the terms before ideas that have both terms.
For example, if I searched for "Morning Commute" I'll get results that only have "Morning" before results that have both "Morning" and "Commute". Or if I want to find only "Evening Commute" results, I'd like to be able to exclude results that have the word "Morning".
This is a large problem when many of our ideas involve phrases where one word is extremely common, and the other word is used in multiple concepts. Being able to search for exact phrases by using quotes would be enough, but respecting a variety of search operators would be amazing!
Hey there,
We’ve recently made some improvement to search in our admin console to enable operators.
Here’s what that looks like…
Using the plus ( + ) sign enables AND.
The vertical bar ( | ) enables OR.
Using the minus ( – ) sign enables you to exclude terms.
Using quotes ( "" ) enables exact phrase matching.
Happy Searching!!
Anonymous commented
Yup, what Valerie just said. Pretty sure this post was for the functionality available the general user. That's where the rubber meets the road here and you guys have the chance to make a huge difference. Currently, searching for specific terms on a uservoice site with a decent amount of data is borderline painful.
Valerie Kurkas commented
I think you've closed this prematurely. I believe that this request is for ALL searches. It was my understanding that more complex searches were already available in the Admin Console. But our customers don't have access to that, nor do most employees at your clients' sites.
Anonymous commented
Surprising to me that this type of functionality has been ignored for so long. Suggest you guys add it to the list before it becomes the reason users find a replacement. This remains one of the single most annoying factors with respect to one of our Saas providers knowledge base/suggestion site. Figure this ONE thing out and your technology is TEN TIMES as helpful.
Valerie Kurkas commented
Very surprised to learn that this isn't already a part of an otherwise very useful tool. Not being able to find the articles greatly increases the chance that ideas will be duplicated and support is fractured. On the same level of importance, better filtering is also a must.
Tim B commented
This would be a great feature along with some basic refiners and sorting after the search occurs. With larger forums that are utilized by Microsoft products it is extremely hard to figure out if a topic has been posted before. I use Google and "Site:" and that will typically produce better results than the out of the box functions in user voice. Bing as an option too?
Chris Dorion commented
I would say this is the single largest painpoint when interacting with uservoice. A database is essentially crippled unless one can easily and reliably search for and find things within it. This also ends up hurting people on the development side of things, as they spend a considerable amount of time NFAing a plethora of duplicate tickets written by people who cannot find the original.
I realize that this ticket is several years old, but please consider making this enhancement.
Anonymous commented
Any updates? The search is only help if you are searching on a very unique word.
Anonymous commented
Enabled searching of multiple keywords with "AND" and "OR" (or at least allow an exact search of multiple keywords in quotation marks)
There needs to be some mechanism for filtering large numbers of tickets.