General Feedback
How should we improve our feedback and product management tools?
We are listening and use this feedback to prioritize our roadmap!
104 results found
Add referral link for Linked Ideas without Feedback attached For linked ideas that have no feedback yet, there is no button to click to return to the original idea within the roadmap feature.
1 vote -
Ability to add ownership to a feature in the internal roadmap I would like to have each team create the feature they want to work on in the internal roadmap. In using it in this way, it would be great to pull in our internal labels. Or the ability to identify the owner or team owning the specific feature.
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1 vote
1 vote
Change requirements of fields when creating a roadmap feature Owners can determine what field is required to be filled when admins are creating a roadmap feature.
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Roadmap permissions I would like to be able to have restricted permission on the Roadmap so we can enable people to see it in the app but not have any edit permissions. Similar to what you can do with ideas.
5 votes -
Include relevant details from a location when a user reports a map issue! Include relevant details from a location when a user reports a map issue! -- Always someone asks us back what the street name was, the cross street info, and other information that we no longer have access to because it has been DAYS ago and we've moved on along down the road.
IF Waze included the details &/or allowed us to "see" what we reported - even a screenshot, we might be able to provide the information you ask. However, each time I am asked that - it is like - do we have photographic memory and /or esp? Because…
1 vote -
Share roadmap with a specific contributor team Provide the ability for Admins to specify which contributor group has access to view the roadmap from the contributor console instead of providing all contributors access.
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6 votes
Hi Everyone,
We have reviewed this idea, and it’s not something we plan to implement. Even though we are deferring this idea for now, it is still open to votes and comments. We do want to hear your opinion. Thank you for the feedback, and please, keep sharing!
Add a ‘User interface’ or ‘General feedback’ Category as the categories provided are too restrictive I am posting this and other recent feedback ideas in ‘Roadmap’ not because they belong there, but because there is nowhere appropriate to put them!
2 votes -
Accessibility concerns: form inputs UserVoice uses the following markup pattern for its user idea inputs:
<label> <span class="uvFieldPlaceholder">Label text</span> <input> </label>
…which looks good at first glance until it becomes apparent that as soon as one starts typing in a field,
is hidden with display:none and is therefore inaccessible.Additionally, when editing a previously posted idea, the form <label>s containing the inputs have no text at all.
1 vote -
Make it possible to enter code in an idea description Even if it is not a majority use case for the kinds of products that UserVoice supports, there will be times when technical users want to add feedback that includes programming code.
It should be possible to receive and sanitise code just like StackExchange do…
<div> But it isn’t. <span>in a way that remains readable.</span> </div>
1 vote -
Poor usability of ‘Describe your idea’ textarea The ‘Describe your idea’ textarea is set at a height of 5em with
. This is unhelpfully restrictive and makes entering anything more than 5 lines of text a complete pain.The simple solution is to remove
or, if that is too great a stretch, useresize:vertical
instead.1 vote -
Accessibility/usability concerns: text styling This idea text manifests as light grey text (#87898F) on a white ground, which fails the minimum recommended contrast ratio.
Comments on ideas are rendered as 13px text on too long line lengths. The recommended base size for prose text is 16px or 1rem.
1 vote -
Roadmap search for contributor facing roadmap view as a end user, I want to search the roadmap (rather than only option being navigating the kanban or filtering by product area. as a end user I want to search (so it searches feature title and description)
6 votes -
Archive or Hide Roadmap Features We would like the ability to archive or hide roadmap features, specifically once those features have been completed and released. I know the "No Status" will not show up in the swimlanes but it would be great to either hide or have the ability to archive features that end up in our "Fully Launched" status (otherwise we'll eventually end up with a huge column of features)
4 votes -
roadmap filters let us filter the roadmap not just by product area and status but also by custom field that an admin would set (for example platforms, country, etc.)
5 votes -
improve Roadmap UI Improve the Roadmap UI for end users: 2 main issues:
1- the backend allows to add links for mockups or custom URL (pointing to a release note, etc.) but those are not visible to the front end users. Please make those fields visible to them otherwise what's the point?!
2- the Description field (also called Summary when then viewing a feature) should be rich text and allow to embed pictures - it makes the roadmap feature a lot better to engage front-end users.3 votes -
link to a roadmap item (deep link) deep link to roadmap items: we need to be able to "share" a particular roadmap item with people, we must have a deep URL link!!
2 votes -
Allow Feature Custom Fields with multiple selections from Custom Lists Allow custom fields to be set up which are based on custom lists but where you can choose multiple options. For example currently a custom list could be sem1, sem2, full year as you can only select one value. With this feature, you only need sem1 and sem2 as you could select both sem1 and sem2 to indicate a full year. This functionality already exists in contacts where you can assign multiple groups.
2 votes
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