View Importance Feature Ratings based upon User
Thanks for your feedback on this one! You can now view and sort each user's importance rating on an idea as well as each account's average importance rating.
Brad Ross commented
When looking at the idea details, seeing the importance rating by User and when looking at Accounts would be a huge benefit. As it is now, the importance rating doesn't have enough context (e.g. Importance by Market Segment) to be all that meaningful. More of a gee whiz metric right now.
Kevin Praeger commented
It seems that the system must be recording who gives what importance rating, so it would be beneficial to view this information especially since it's likely already there.
- commented
We need this information give more context (and to follow up with the user), otherwise its a nice number, but not really actionable.
Even if it was in the 'Voters' tab as additional fields, that would be sufficient.