General Feedback
How should we improve our feedback and product management tools?
We are listening and use this feedback to prioritize our roadmap!
34 results found
3 votes
1 vote
Admin View Only Permission Admin view-only permission should be named something else, such as "viewer". The term "admin" can be sensitive to a company security requirements. There should be an additional license name between contributor and admin.
1 vote -
Admin View Only Permission Admin view-only permission should be named something else, such as "viewer". The term "admin" can be sensitive to a company security requirements. There should be an additional license name between contributor and admin.
1 vote -
Sort Permissions Alphabetically Comparing production permissions against the sandbox is near impossible because they don't populate identically. You have to scroll up and down on both trees looking for each record.
The attached example is one of the better examples. Some of the other instances are way worse.
Please Sort Permissions and all Nodes Alphabetically.
1 vote -
Invite users to the platform (similar to a private forum invite) We would like to be able to invite users to join the platform (even if the forums are public.) Similar to how we can invite administrators and contributors currently.
4 votes -
Distinguish who are the owners on user&accounts panel Provide a way to distinguish between 'Full Access (Owners)', 'Settings Only', and 'Limited' (admins with no access to settings). Be able to filter the user grid by these admin levels to see who has what permission.
8 votes -
Allow to assign tags to users Users are different, and we’d like to distinguish them more directly in UV with tags: mark some as 'a useful contributor', 'a specialist in a particular topic', 'probably a bot', 'a rude but insightful user'...
1 vote -
0 votes
Enhance 'Users' section for Admins On USERS page :
- Have a field for DEPT, may I want to see who is in the tool from a specific team
- ADD & Show ‘last login date,
- Add the ability to sort alphabetically, by active-/inactive, by team, or by last log-in field
- Have an export function (.csv) in case I need to create a bulk update1 vote -
Ability to not send invite email when creating permissions with the Admin API It would be great if this was a boolean option to send or not send the email when using the create endpoint:
2 votes -
Customize content of Contributor license/welcome email The ability to modify/customize the email that contributors receive when being invited by an admin
3 votes -
Allow administrators to review and restore users which get automatically banned and purged For some unknown reason a valuable member of the UV community got banned and purged from the system, all his comments got depersonalized, his email removed from the user list — without a trace, without a warning, without a notofication.
If I was not told by the user directly about it — and almost being a witness to it, because it was I who asked him to leave the comment with two harmless links (which I dare not to post here, because your robots are nuts, and I had the same problem before becoming an administrator!) — I’d know nothing…
1 vote -
Option to not mark blocked users content as spam To address different use cases for blocking a user.
1 vote -
Customize contributor console invite from Admin Request to get the contributor invitations sent out from Admin, without bothering people with the sidebar installation.
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5 votes
Publicly display "Contributor" in forums It would be great if and when a contributor leaves a comment on a suggestion, the label "contributor" is displayed to lend the answer a bit more confidence
1 vote -
Hide Roadmap/NPS from Admin Console We aren't using the Roadmap/NPS portions of UV, and would like the ability to hide those icons so that the Admin Console is less cluttered for our Admins.
1 vote -
Granular Privacy/GDPR Consent Users should be able to consent to certain uses of their information (product decisionmaking, notifications)
3 votes -
View history of status emails and notifications sent to users Currently there is no ability to see a history of the emails/notifications that have been sent from UserVoice. If I am needing to go back and see if a certain user received an update email, I have no way of doing that from within the UI.
4 votes
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