Add custom questions when creating an idea on the portal/widget
When a user goes to create an idea, they only have to give a title. Often Product Teams want to ask their users for additional details and be able to make these fields required.
This allows Product Managers to get the full details they need from users when they post an idea, and limits them needing to follow up for more information.

Kelly Munro commented
This would be highly valuable to us. It'd mean users have to put a bit more thought into the idea that the are requesting and help define something that is a 'true' idea versus feedback.
On the backend being able to segment by the different questions we may ask in the form would also be useful in filtering and categorising ideas. -
Cordelle commented
Really optimistic about the new custom questions feature however allowing them to surface in the extension but not the web portal makes them unusable for our org because it results in an inconsistent data entry experience and data collection. Our org would like to ask users to specify the 'use case' and 'impact' as separate fields since they are consistently not included in the description.
Eyal Cohen commented
Custom Fields on ideas is not a solution for this issue at all especially not for internal use.
The use case here is very simple and clear, when a user enter its feedback, we would like to make sure he provide us the relevant information and to understand how does it affect its business, what is he doing today in order to overcome this issue and how it will help him to have this feature, was it related to any issue he had and what is the case number for it. it is mainly helping to connect the dots instead of start asking 5 people on every request that customers are having.
in my example, as a product manager in a large company having this clarity into the request saves me a lot of time in filtering the relevant issues from the lower priorities, focus on what make impact to customers and it will shorten the response time to customers and my time by at least half as we don't need to start speaking to many people to understand what the customer meant and why did he open the user voice idea. i cant clearly categorize it and make sure it will be delivered to my R&D teams in the right way. it will also help me to focus my internal surveys and make sure i ask specific questions.
overall it is the most important feature in the platform in my view because no PM want to spend hours on the UserVoice system but he want the system to work for him and give him the right data upfront.
if we don't have this feature we should be looking for alternatives because it is really impacting us today to take proper decisions.
Alizee Ochoa commented
This is incredibly important for us as we require more information to handle those requests - this would help us prioritize better and provide some guidance to customers on what information we require
Pete Arnold commented
For us to continue using UserVoice in our organization, we're going to need the ability to add questions to ensure we're getting specific details in order to turn ideas into features. What will it take to add this functionality?
Nathan Warren commented
The problem that we have with the limited input that customers give us when only requiring a title is that the product team and other users do not fully understand what the enhancement suggestion is trying to solve. A common example that we have is a generic title as the enhancement request that gets upvoted by lots of users. We then have to reach out to users and we realize the they all interpreted this generic title as something else. This makes our most upvoted ideas often the most generic that could mean a lot of different things.
Kevin Praeger commented
I happened to notice that when you evaluated this in 2020, there was 39 voters. Now there are 381. It might be worth re-evaluating this request.
absmar commented
still waiting...
OpenVideoFirstLook commented
much needed!
absmar commented
What company would defer (for YEARS) the addition of such a simple feature that provides enormous value? UserVoice. So disappointing. Looking for alternatives again, hopefully I find one this time.
Kevin Praeger commented
I think that is the right choice to defer this project. This may be a nice feature in the future, but I would prefer to see more small enhancements and smaller additions and polishing to existing features.
absmar commented
We use UserVoice to gather Bug Reports & Feature Requests from users. The Vote mechanism is great because it helps us quantify the number of users that are affected by a bug or would like to see a feature implemented, but it does not help us quantify other very important metrics that would help us prioritize issues better. For instance, a minor issue that hundreds of users are experiencing is prioritized higher than a severe issue that only a few users are reporting. Because items with a high number of votes always have the limelight, issues with far greater consequences are always tucked away at the bottom of the list, encouraging our Product Managers to ignore issues that can devastate our reputation.
An example of 2 important metrics we need for bug reports include:
#1 Severity/Level of Impact
#2 Frequency of Occurrence.For instance, you could have a bug that is severe and has a high level of impact, but it only occurs once per year. On the other end of the spectrum, you have a minor irritation that occurs hundreds of times per day. A minor irritation that occurs hundreds of times per day in many cases should be prioritized higher than a severe issue that occurs once per year. As you can see, number of votes does not answer these critical questions.
We would like to be able to ask the following questions, and have multiple choice answers that have a numeric value to them to help us sort and prioritize things. For instance:
Question #1 What level of impact does this bug have on your organization?
Answer #1 Minimal: A minor irritation, but I can work around it. Value: 4
Answer #2 Normal: Causes issues, but I can work around it. Value: 3
Answer #3 High: Causing significant disruptions, but I can work around it. Value: 2
Answer #4 Critical: Crippling my organization, causing data corruption, no workarounds available. Value: 1Question #2 How often do you encounter this bug?
Answer #1 Rarely (< 1-2 times per month) Value: 5
Answer #2 Intermittentely (A few times per week) Value: 4
Answer #3 Regularly (Several times per week) Value: 3
Answer #4 Frequently (Several times per day) Value: 2
Answer #5 Constantly (More than 15 times per day) Value: 1For Feature Requests, we would like to ask additional questions like:
#1 How much more productive would you be if we added this feature?
#2 Would adding this feature positively impact your revenue? (yes/no response)
#3 Would adding this feature help you make better clinical decisions? (we are a clinical system)
#4 Would adding this feature revolutionize your business?We need to be able to customize the questions and responses so that we can frame the questions and answer to get the most value out of them, then we need to be able to create views that sort the responses reliably so that we can make better decisions on what to work on next. It would also be nice to have questions that have freetext answers.
Ideally, when another user votes for an existing issue, they should be given the opportunity to answer those questions as well. If this requirement complicates things, we would much rather have just the contributor feedback than nothing, but adding the feedback from other voters would make the data even more valuable as we can see if other user responses corroborate with the contributor responses. Finally, the answers to the questions should have the option of remaining private/confidential as to not influence the answers of other voters, and allow us to ask probing questions that voters may not want to make public.
absmar commented
Not having basic features like custom fields to ask users important questions to help us determine the value/impact of an idea/bug like level/severity of impact and frequency of occurrence has significantly reduced the value of the data we are receiving from UserVoice, and has caused us on several occasions to look for a competing product. Number of users behind an idea is not the only metric that matters. As soon as a competitor offers a comparable Devops integration and search while the user is entering an idea we are leaving uservoice. Seeing that it takes nearly a decade for Uservoice to act on something as important as this despite using Uservoice in-house doesn't help. Adding this feature might influence us to stay.
jeff.holek commented
Given the volume of interest, and extended timeline before a decision (7 years), which was more of a delay than a resolution, could we please get some feedback regarding expectations for these three features?
Are we starting from scratch?
What still remains before your team reviews this for development feasibility?
There were 300+ users supporting this, and now across all 3 we have about 20 each. These 3 topics have lost their momentum due to this split.
Cathy commented
Yup, this is the part of the "allow custom fields for ideas" piece I want. I would love to know how many licenses they have or their tenant name
Andrew Swindells commented
Provide the ability to require a customer to provide a "why" they have voted.
[Deleted User] commented
I would like to see additional fields like :
User impact
CCC number -
Carole Yee commented
Definitely a must have. We need to have additional mandatory fields like the category as most people still forget to enter the client's name and a dedicated field would help in this case.
You've been gathering feedback since Oct. 5, 2013, how much longer do you need to gather feedback before this request becomes a priority?
Marc Goldman commented
Custom fields for in-app feedback but not from the Ideas portal???? Come-on, we need to give our users a way to give us some structured feedback from our portal. Please!!!!
[Deleted User] commented
Since 2009!!!
We need a way to add emoticons MOD evaluators, and NOT useless 1-10 scales!