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How should we improve our feedback and product management tools?
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353 results found

  1. Auto-aggregate feedback from multiple sources

    Ability to take feedback (closed lost notes, tickets labeled feedback, etc) and auto-associate or auto-aggregate them in some way.

    In other words, remove the manual approach from requiring end users and internal folks from manually capturing and aggregating feedback.

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  2. Allow for automatic archiving based on set rules

    I'd like the ability to set rules for age of an idea + number of votes to automatically archive to a private forum. Such as, anything older than 4 years with less than 4 votes gets sent to an Archive forum so we have the information, if needed, but don't have to manually do the maintenance work.

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  3. Add an Idea ID or identifier to the idea properties

    With no identifier on the suggestions or ID listed in the properties, there is no quick way to track ideas or send one to a coworker for easy search other than the URL.

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    Deferred  ·  Jared Shaffer responded

    Hello – We include “ID” as a property on an idea. This can be found in the “Properties” section on an idea’s detail sheet (screenshot attached). Admins can search for this ID from the Ideas page to locate the idea.

  4. Be able to navigate between suggestions with short cuts

    When looking at an issue there is no quick way to go to the next issue. Would be ideal if admins could quickly navigate to the idea with short cuts.

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  5. Field placeholder or Prompt for the Description field

    It is possible to set the field placeholder text for the suggestion title. This is great and allows me to tailor the ask to suit my audience.
    I would like to be able to do the same for the suggestion description field. This would enable me to create a more instructional prompt to guide the user on what to enter into the field.
    Alternatively allow configuring a prompt for the description field (as we have for title).

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  6. Gamify Suggestions & Votes

    Create a feature to incentivize forum engagement via gamification

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  7. Support .svg attachments on ideas and comments

    Allow users to add .svg attachments on ideas and comments.

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  8. Allow .zip file attachments

    Allow users to attach .zip files to ideas and comments

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    Deferred  ·  Claire Talbott responded

    We appreciate your feedback on this!

    .zip attachments can contain any file type, and since most browsers immediately download and open .zip files this is a security concern. For this reason, we are not able to allow .zip attachments.

    For a list of file types we do support, please, check out our Knowledge Base article:

  9. Block users but keep their suggestions

    I would like the ability to bulk block users, however Keep their suggestions and votes in tact

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  10. The Ability of Voting Down on an Idea

    We would like to have the ability to "vote down" against a suggestion. This functionality will help us understanding if the number of people that doesn't want that particular feature is bigger or smaller than the number of people that want a particular feature.

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    Downvoting is a feature that has been requested over the history of UserVoice. We believe that upvoting keeps the public conversation positive. Furthermore, voting is only one important metric in assessing the end user’s value of an idea.

    We have found that strong, positive signal on a UserVoice idea will be one trigger that a product team will use to investigate the Idea further. Downvotes should not dissuade a product team from taking action if it is the correct strategic move for a product.

    I know that this answer won’t satisfy everyone, but we have thought about it extensively, debated it internally at length over the years, and have arrived at this conclusion.

    We thank you as always for sharing your ideas with us!

  11. Rich-text formatting for comments on ideas

    Be able to use formatting options, like bold, italics, code blocks in comments on the forums.

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  12. Be able to sort by labels

    Right now, you can sort by columns like status updates, or votes, but you can't sort by the Label column. Admins want to be able to sort by labels as well.

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  13. Ability to link related Suggestions

    Similar to merge, provide a way to link related Suggestions together (think of how Jira solves this with related Issues UX).

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  14. Ability to expand the UserVoice submission box.

    When submitting a Uservoice submission, it would be really helpful if the box where text is entered could be expanded. Currently it is tiny, and I am unable to view the whole submission for review.

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  15. Add Column Sort to all columns

    make all columns sortable in Users, Accounts and Ideas. For example, on the Suggestions page, several columns have ability to sort, but not Labels. On the Users page, can click to sort by Last Active Date but not User Type or Account. Please make all columns sortable.

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  16. Custom data on idea votes and comments

    When a user supports, comments on and creates an idea, Product Managers need the full context on the feedback at that point in time. This can include the device and OS at the time of submission, their product version, the page they were on, screen size or other internal data points, etc.

    This data should be captured and saved against the idea so admins can see, not just who submitted/supported/commented on an idea and their traits (if they're being collected), but also important details surrounding the context of the idea.

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  17. Add screen shot to idea from clipboard

    I really need/want and easy way to add images (screen shots) from clipboard (like e.g. Target Process does it e.g. on their help desk) - a small picture often says more that 140 characters ... and more clearly

    It is really no different that attaching an image files, just a lot less clicking and tying

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  18. Comments Vs. Public status vs. Message subscribers should be more obvious within Admin view

    When logged in as an Admin, viewing Suggestions.
    I find it difficult to know if the comments are "public" or "private"

    This should be obvious when viewing the comments, so that if a customer accidentally posts something "sensitive" in the comments field I can easily detect this and mark the comment as private!
    Retaining the comment with the suggestion (for admins), but hiding it from other public users of the forum.

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  19. Have search respect localization

    Improve the search functionality of UserVoice!

    Currently UserVoice search does not understand that color and colour is the same word.

    There must be many, many examples of this.

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  20. Give the option to remove attachments when merging

    We have had to do a lot of merging of our top ideas and so those ideas are getting overloaded with attachments that are very similar images.

    While we can manually edit ideas to remove attachments, it would be nice if we could pick and choose which attachments were retained when we perform the merge.

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