General Feedback
How should we improve our feedback and product management tools?
We are listening and use this feedback to prioritize our roadmap!
1251 results found
4 votes
Hi everyone!
Our Product Team reviewed this idea, and discussed internally.
We built the “My Feedback” section in settings to list ideas a user has supported either by leaving a comment or casting a vote.
While we can definitely understanding users wanting to see ideas they created, but no longer support, this is not a use case we designed this part of the application for.
We do have supporter mode now for our product forums, which does let users support as many ideas as they want. To learn more about why we recommend switching to supporters vs. voting limits, please, check out our best practice article:
Audit log of admin activity on a suggestion It would be helpful if you could see a history of how the suggestion was updated and by whom, just like you can with tickets.
Right now if a suggestion is edited, moved to another forum, has its category or labels changed, etc., there's no history of who made the change, when the change was made, or that a change was even made.
43 votes -
Option to require an email address and message for NPS Ratings If a user submits an NPS rating, they aren't required to leave a message or even give an email address. This can be frustrating for several reason...
For passives and detractors, you want to know why they gave you a low score. Just getting a 0 or 4 doesn't help.
If they don't give an email address either, you have no way to follow up and ask why.
6 votesHi Everyone,
We have reviewed this idea, and it’s not something we plan to implement. Even though we are deferring this idea for now, it is still open to votes and comments. We do want to hear your opinion. Thank you for the feedback, and please, keep sharing!
Intercom Integration It would be great to integrate with Intercom so that I can better keep track of all user interactions. I have separate conversations with registered users on Intercom and UserVoice, which can get a little confusing.
I love how UserVoice keeps track of the users' actions (votes, comments, etc.) but having the ability to align that with the community messages and interactions I am having on the Intercom platform would be amazing.
97 votes -
Export a list of users and their ideas/votes/comments You can export a list of users. You can export a list of ideas. But you can't export a list of users with their ideas/comments and votes. It would be super helpful if we could see a list of users, and the ideas each user supports.
42 votesClaire Talbott responded
Hi everyone! First, I want to apologize for the delay in an update here. Leaving an idea in “started” for two years is not clear or transparent communication with you, our customers! We are not currently working on a feature that allows you to export users with their ideas, votes, comments and requests. So we are going to move this idea back to “no status” for now. Please, continue to share your thoughts around this idea. This isn’t a “no.” But we do want to be upfront, though, that this is not currently on our Roadmap. Since this idea was created, we’ve released two features that could help with some of the paint points shared around this idea, and we want to share those.
The Analysis Export lets you export a list of ideas and their supporters: Measure the Impact of Ideas with the Analysis Export.
The Users export…
Allow multiple categories per idea sometimes user ideas overlap with different categories.
62 votes -
Pivotal Tracker integration Right now there's no easy way to integrate with Pivotal Tracker without having to build your own external code to make the integration work.
The integration built by the third party only works with PHP and some admins have had trouble getting it to work even then!
It would be great if y'all released your own integration, so that we can easily integrate with Pivotal Tracker whether we use PHP, Ruby on Rails etc....
25 votes -
Allow users to subscribe to forum updates A customer has a group of folks that visit his site and give feedback. However, they only get feedback when they are notified there is a new idea to give feedback on (more of a collaboration tool really).
Allowing users to subscribe to specific forums where new ideas are posted would greatly help in this case.
63 votes -
Asana Integration Asana is THE most awesome task management tool for teams.
Prioritized product features in Asana could be added to UserVoice automatically, allowing users to vote, discuss, and get updates on them.
Tickets could be posted and managed from Asana, where our team manages everything from product management, google docs, business planning, fund raising, idea boxes and a list far too long to mention here!
52 votes -
Ability to preview custom design, html and css changes before displaying them publicly A customer would like the option to not publicly display custom design changes until he has finished them. With that said, a save but don't publish option would be great as well as a preview option.
49 votes -
Rally Integration Integrate with Rally so that UserVoice ideas can be promoted to Rally backlog. Keep Uservoice idea and Rally backlog item synchronized bidirectionally.
25 votes -
108 votes
Create a widget template that can be used with multiple forums. We have multiple forums each with their own customized widget. It would be nice if we could create a single widget template that can be used for all forums.
16 votes -
Be able to export comments within the idea export Right now you can only export comments with the general export. And those comments are in a separate file.
It would be ideal if admins could export ideas along with comments. This would save time (not have to match the two up), and make it much simpler when reviewing exported data.
32 votes -
Allow admins to edit user information Coming from a Community Management background, I am accustomed to having a variety of administrator tools on forums that aren't offered in UserVoice. Among these tools are more robust search features, and a consolidated user information page with the ability to edit user information.
At the present, I cannot search by individual forum and must scroll through multiple pages across four different lists (Voters, Given Access, Invited and Removed) to find users. The results of using the "Search ideas and feedback" feature under Feedback are missing this basic information.
Once a user has been found, I have no way to…
86 votes -
Trello Integration They have a REST API - we use Trello to manage sofware projects & it would be nice if userVoice was able to create items in Trello automatically.
38 votesHi Everyone,
We have reviewed this idea, and it’s not something we plan to implement. Even though we are deferring this idea for now, it is still open to votes and comments. We do want to hear your opinion. Thank you for the feedback, and please, keep sharing!
Customizable list of words to ignore to improve search results I've been usability testing a test version of our UserVoice forums before they go live. Our users frequently use the product name as they are describing an issue (e.g., "Please do [some change] to [product]"). Because the idea filtering is based on an OR list of words, as soon as users type "[product]" 2 things happen:
The website speed crawls to a standstill, making it hard for them to continue typing and increasing their frustration.
A huge list of ideas appear that are no longer of any help whatsoever to them when looking for similar ideas.
I'd like to be…
34 votes -
Nested categories and sub-categories Currently we can only list one level of categories in feedback forums, which causes some confusion for our users, for example we have five categories for our Content Management System. Users prefer to have "Content Management System" at the top level then drill down to specific request i.e. "Content Management System --> Postings"
58 votes -
Send daily digest in the morning in my time zone The daily digest email comes at the same time for every account & profile, no matter where you're located. It would be nice if it could arrive based on my time zone, or even at a time I specify.
28 votes -
Create a survey system, or offer an integration with survey software Possibility to add multiple questions in the forum for users.
50 votes
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